- Promotions
Items with star are recommended by our chef and patrons
XO酱炒芦笋带子 Scallop with Asparagus in XO Sauce
SGD 0.00
西兰花炒带子 Sauteed Scallop with Broccoli
SGD 0.00
鸿莲夏果玉带 Assortment of Vegetable with Scallop
SGD 22.00
冬菇炒西兰花 Stir-Fry Broccoli with Shiitake Mushroom
SGD 0.00
银鱼仔龙虾汤奶白菜 Poached Baby Cabbage with Sliver Fish in Lobster Stock
SGD 0.00
珍菌炒青龙菜 Royale Chives with Mushroom
SGD 0.00